Over the summer months, there is a lot of awareness spread about giant hogweed and what to look out for. Which is understandable! During the summer time is when giant hogweed is most noticeable, at its biggest and also when you're more likely to be out and about around it. Not only that, but due to the sunny weather, the phototoxic sap is more likely to bring out the blisters/burns.
Spring & Autumn
It is important to know that these plants can be seen all year round, especially with the increase in climate, and the UK having wetter and warmer winters.
Here are some examples of giant hogweed, looking not so giant in September this year!
The key identifying features can include sharply serrated leaves (colour can vary from bright to dark green - a few examples above). They have purple & green splotchy stems (similar to fully grown giant hogweed) but the stems are not as thick! Regardless of the size of a giant hogweed plant, there can still be a presence of the toxic sap, so best to avoid touching it or brushing past in case it gets on your clothes.
Over the winter months, giant hogweed tends to die back, leaving a hollow bamboo like shell. Although the plant is dead, there is still a possibility of the carcass having residue of the sap on it, so again best to avoid touching it!
If you do spot giant hogweed while you are out and about make sure to report it. If you see something that looks similar to giant hogweed but you are unsure, feel free to drop us a message and keep your distance just in case.