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  • Writer's pictureTees Rivers Trust

Movies: an environmental message

*This blog is about various films and their environmental message, including spoilers*

There are endless amounts of films out there, romances, comedies, action and horror... but today, we want to talk about some of the best animated films out there that promote an environmental message. These films are not just aimed at children, but can be enjoyed by a range of audiences.

1. Bee Movie


Bee Movie is a DreamWorks animation about a little honey bee called Barry who tries to sue the human race for exploiting bees after learning from his florist friend Vanessa Bloome that humans sell an consume honey. Barry wins the trial by exposing the jury to the awful treatment of bees, which results in stopping humans from stealing honey from bees ever again. Once honey production stops, it puts every bee out of a job, including the vitally important Pollen Jocks, resulting in all the world's flowers beginning to die out without any pollination. Realising his mistake, Barry tries to save the flowers, bringing pollination back.

Environmental Message

Bee Movie provides a fun introduction to the importance of pollinators in the global ecosystem. Overall, it shows that without bees (and of course all the other pollinators) the world will eventually end. Without plants, animals won't be able to eat.

Best Quote

"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible."

- Barry B. Benson, 'Bee Movie'.



WALL-E is a Disney Pixar science fiction film based in the 29th Century where the world has become a rubbish filled wasteland due to rampant consumerism and corporate greed. WALL-E, is the last robot left on Earth. He spends his days tidying up the planet, one piece of litter at a time. He spots EVE, a sleek and shapely probe sent back to Earth on a scanning mission. Smitten WALL-E embarks on his adventure when he follows EVE across the galaxy, including finding and planting a lost seedling.

Environmental Message

WALL-E is a film with a very clear message! Humans make and use too much stuff and if we keep going down this path, eventually our planet be overwhelmed with toxicity and threaten every life form to extinction.

3. Dr Seuss' The Lorax


A young boy called Ted lives in a place with basically no nature; no flowers or trees grow in the town of Thneedville meaning the people have to buy air, and the water is polluted (which makes some of the children glow!). Ted would very much like to win the heart of Audrey, the girl of his dreams, but to do this, he must find that which she most desires: a Truffula tree. To get it, Ted delves into the story of the Lorax, once the gruff guardian of the forest, and the Once-ler, who let greed overtake his respect for nature

Environmental Message

Our world, like the Lorax's, is facing major environmental problems like pollution, global warming, oil spills, littering, deforestation, and loss of animal habitat. Plants, like in the story of the Lorax, provide shelter, food, oxygen and water purification. Without the Truffula trees the pollution from Once-ler's factory destroys the quality of the air and the water, changing the landscape and driving the animals away.

Best Quote

So, next time you are looking for a film to watch on your own or with your family, why not give one of these a go and let us know what you think!

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